John Mayer - "Waiting On The World To Change"
At this point we all the the enigmatic ladies man that is guitar virtuoso John Mayer. His raspy whispered vocals have seduced many a hollywood starlet and more of the world that most people care to admit. He somehow got this tabloid wrap for being a lady's man who was solely interested in loving and leaving. Much like Taylor Swift, his music, which is both prolific and diverse, got overshadowed by his own love life, sometimes to the detriment of the melodies being made.
People began to write off his music just as much as they were writing off his ex's, and that, my friends is a shame. I can't say that I've loved every single one of his songs, or even all of his albums. but what I do, is respect the amount of music he's made, and adore the fact that he's dabbled in so many genre's and played with so many different types of musicians.
This song, which i certainly loved in 2008, came back to me today as I'm waiting for a plane to take off that I've been stuck on for 3 and a half hours already. I am most definitely waiting for the world to change.
So, today, with patience I never knew I possessed, I choose John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change" as my, with silver wings, on a hope and a prayer, with constant amazement, song for a, patience is a virtue, each little moment, with slow deep breaths, Wednesday.