Troye Sivan - "Strawberries & Cigarettes"
So I wrote about Troye back in 2016. I was enamored with him then, and I am just as much now. He is continuing to release fresh, specific, touching music that is both nostalgic and new at the same time.
Check out my first article on him Here:
He knows just the right mix of cool and sexy, and he always keeps the music right in the soft pocket of his voice. Never reaching, always relaxed and yet somehow still full of emotion.
This song is all about what that first love, right or wrong, reminds you off. Every good and bad choice you made to get there, and what that memory turns into once it's gone.
So today, with sunlight on my face, I choose Troye Sivan's "Strawberries & Cigarettes" as my, remember what love was like, stay open minded, getting to know me better, song for a, why not today, this time around the block, walk gently for there are snares along the way, Monday.