Sofi Tukker - "Best Friend (feat. Nervo)"
I'm so stoked to see them tonight in LA! They've got a sound that makes you wanna start dancing. It's fresh, it's new, and it's definitely original! Sofi Tukker is a New York-based musical duo consisting of Sophie Hawley-Weld and Tucker Halpern. The band is perhaps best known for today's song "Best Friend," which was featured in a commercial during Apple's unveiling of the iPhone X on September 12, 2017.
Paste Magazine described Sofi Tukker's release as "an insatiable dance collection of jungle-pop songs with many well-executed nods towards Brazilian instruments, poets and to the national language, Portuguese". The magazine's review referred to the "carefully conceptualized 'Matadora'" as "the album's show-stopper".
So, today with laughter and a little bit of crazy, I choose Sofi Tukker's "Best Friend (feat. Nervo)" as my, do you wanna meet me, let's talk some $#*!, lets create a language, song for a, who cares, make it mine, go one and get a little wild, Wednesday!